Modern Slavery Policy
151 Products limited is a limited company registered in England & Wales
(Registered number 02149608)
151 Products Limited is a
limited company registered in England & Wales (registered number 02149608).
The company is based in the UK and has two sites: one in Manchester, and
another in St Helens.
151 Products Limited is committed
to preventing acts of slavery, forced labour and human trafficking of any kind
in relation to business and our supply chain. In particular:
We provide
written statements of Terms and Conditions of Employment to all employees as
required by law, explaining obligations in a clear and transparent way.
We support the
right to seek, obtain and hold employment without discrimination and with
complete respect for dignity.
We do not coerce
anyone to work for us. When employees choose to work for us, they do so
Employees must
prove their eligibility to work in the UK, however, we do not hold or retail
original documents.
Every employee is
paid regularly and in accordance with their Terms and Conditions of Employment.
We provide a written summary of pay and deductions via and online portal or
through paper payslips.
Every employee
has the right to join or not join a Trade Union at their complete discretion.
We provide safe
and decent working conditions with training as necessary. Our operations comply
with or exceed statutory Health and Safety standards.
We provide formal
grievance provisions through which staff are free to raise a work-related
complaint or a matter of concern and make all employees aware of the are
We do not impede anyone’s
freedom of movement or their opportunity to seek employment elsewhere.
We conduct
regular audits with all our suppliers to ensure compliance with the ISO:9001.
We will not support or deal
with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking. We
support the promotion of the ethical business practices to protect workers from
any kind of abuse or exploitation in relation to our business and supply chain.
The company is satisfied from
its own due diligence that there is no evidence of any act of modern-day
slavery, human trafficking, or labour exploitation with the company and with
suppliers of gods and services to the company.
The policy applies to all
persons working for 151 Products Ltd or on behalf in any capacity, including
employees at all levels, directors, agency workers and external consultants. This
policy does not form part of any employee’s Contract of Employment and we may
amend it at any time.
We will regularly communicate
with our employees and people in our supply chain, to ensure that they have an
understanding to effectively deal with this issue on modern slavery and
encourage them to be compliant.
All employees are positively
encouraged to report any suspicions or incident of labour exploitation to
senior management.
This policy will be reviewed
annually unless circumstances dictate that it should be reviewed more
We will continue to work hard
to build long standing relationships with our suppliers based on mutual trust
and transparency.
We will regularly communicate
with our employees and people in our supply chain, to ensure that they have an
understanding and an appropriate process for effectively dealing with this
issue of modern slavery.
This statement is designed
Identify and
asses potential risk areas in our business and supply chains.
Reduce the risk
of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains.
Monitor potential
risk areas in our business and supply chains.
Provide adequate
protection for Whistle Blowers.
Our Modern Slavery Policy
demonstrates our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our
business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and
controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere
in our supply chains.
Signed on behalf of 151
Products Ltd
Richard Shonn – Managing
February 2025